Carol Schmith

Massage therapist treating a client.


Welcome to my Website!  If you’re looking for a professional medical massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place. I have been a licensed massage therapist in New York State since 1988.  I received my B.A. from Adelphi University, Garden City NY as a physical eduction major and graduated from The New Center, Manhasset NY as a massage therapist. I have been able to integrate the knowledge from both educational experiences into my therapy. 

I am trained in a variety of modalities, and work a treatment plan that works best with an individuals' special needs.  I will educate you in what you can do for yourself to feel better.  I work with individuals that have fibromalagia, diabetes, orthopedic problems, migranes and symptoms of the weekend warrior (aches & pains).  I even treat individuals that are just looking for the restorative and relaxing massage.  You can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I employ in my therapy.

Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.